
Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Blog Hop Giveaway

I am so excited to be a part of the Blog Hop for Diane Knott's new book Scrap Quilt Secrets.  Diane and I have never actually met, but we  have a fun story about how we "almost" met once at a quilt show in Atlanta.  As a result we became blogger friends and found out we have very similar tastes in quilts.  Diane is an incredible quilter, wife, mother, teacher and now author.  I am honored to be a part of her journey.

I have chosen two quilts from her book to talk about today.  I always find it interesting to browse through a new quilt book and see which quilts "speak to me".  I discovered the New York Beauty block years ago and for me it was love at first sight.  Since then I have made many different types of NYB quilts including a Pickle Dish quilt.  Any variation of this block just draws me in.  So when I saw Razzmatazz I was immediately drawn in.  The strong color palette with the red as the constant gives this quilt a graphic nature that really packs a punch. 

The second quilt that spoke to me was Tipsy Tac Toe.  I have been collecting black and white prints for quite a while now.  I haven't actually USED any of them yet in a quilt, but I keep collecting them (that's totally normal, right???).   So I'm always keeping my eyes open for fun patterns using black and white prints.  This quilt is a mix of the two different colors, two different blocks, two value ranges (stronger contrast in the middle, softer contrast in the border) and two different block positions (on point and straight), all in the same quilt.  There is a lot going on here that makes for a visually interesting quilt!!

There are so many more inspiring quilts waiting for you in this book.  Check it out and discover the 6 secrets to making a successful scrap quilt.

 Now for the fun part - you have a chance to win your own copy of Diane's book!!  Just leave a comment telling me what color combination have you never used in a quilt.  I'll bet one of these quilts will speak to you.  Make sure I have a way to contact you if you're the winner. International winners will receive an e-version of the book.  I will pick a winner April 2nd.

Be sure to visit the other sites to see in-depth reviews of all the wonderful quilts and have even more chances to win.

3/21    C&T Blog
with Diane (that’s me)
3/22    Bonnie Hunter
3/26    Pat Sloan
3/27    Valerie
3/29    Victoria Findlay Wolfe
3/30    Rachaeldaisy
4/1       Julie
4/2       Barb

Before you leave, pop on over to Diane's blog and say hi.  You'll be glad you did.
Enjoy some stitching time today,


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Nancy L said...

I have never used orange in a quilt. I like the color, but just don't have any in my stash.

Rebecca said...

I think I have used every color out there (some better then others). I have decided that I prefer clear colors to grayed or toned down colors. No civil war reproductions for me in general.

ledamewood said...

I have never used pinks and purples in a quilt. I just don't care for it, but I have a special little granddaughter who thinks it's the best ever...she wants a quilt with those colors and I know I'll make it for her. She has my heart.

Unknown said...

I have never used lime green. it is the accent in my new home and I find it very eye catching!

lindamae said...

As a relative "newbie" to quilting there are lots of colors I still have not used in a quilt. Been following your blog for about 6 months, Karen, and always enjoy your beautiful work.

CecileD said...

Difficult question because I think I used all the colors we know.... but just one time for purple ! Does it count ? :)
I know you made one a few weeks ago....stunning !

Ruth said...

I have never made a black and white quilt nor an orange and red one! I have seen some gorgeous B&W quilts and would love to make one some day - I'll add it to my list! Hee Hee! The book looks great.

Desi said...

I have never made a quilt like either of these but I love the look of them and do feel inspired to rethink some of what is my comfort zone.

sherryberrybim said...

I have never used green and red in a quilt but a Christmas quilt using these colors is on my bucket list!

mangozz said...

I have never used black and white or red and white together but would love to try it. Have been slowly collecting these colors and when I have enough, will give it a shot. I would especially love a red and white quilt - maybe some type of basket design. Would love to win a copy of this book!

JeniceD said...

I think the only color I haven't used in a quilt is grey. I have never made a quilt with a dark as the background. Both of which, hopefully, will be remedied this year!

JeniceD said...

I have never used gray or a dark as a background. Hopefully, I will be able to remedy both this year.

JoJo said...

I've never used purple and pink together. Love the black and white quilt in the book.

Kaye M said...

I have never made an all black and white quilt. I think I'm addicted to lots of bright colors but I do enjoy seeing the black and white designs.

Lori Smanski said...

i have never made a black/white quilt.
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I love Diane's Razzmatazz, but I've never used red and yellow together in a quilt--it always reminds me of mustard and ketchup. I think the book looks wonderful and I may have to give red and yellow a try!

Deb said...

I have never made a black and white quilt and probably never will. I'm more of a scrappy colorful kinda quilter. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Diane's book.

Vivian said...

Though black and white fabrics take up space in my stash, I've never featured them in a quilt -- yet. The B/W quilt in Diane's book looks like one to try.
Thanks for reviewing the book, Karen, and thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Marilyn said...

I think I have used every color except for grey. I have plans for one that will have grey. Maybe in the razzmatazz quilt? Would love to win the book so that I could give it a try.

Shelly said...

I have probably used all colors at some point in a quilt. Yet, like you, I don't have not made a black and white quilt.

Gayle said...

Pink & orange is a color combo I have never used in a quilt - makes me wonder...

Dody said...

I've never used red,black and turquoise together in a quilt. But I saw a quilt with these colors,I think I'm going to try it.

Tina said...

I've never made a blue quilt. 'Someday' I would love to make one with lots of blue fabrics, but I always worry the different colors of blue just won't work together and I'll end up with a disaster on my hands. I've been told that I overthink the process :) Thanks for the chance to win.

Kathryn said...

I've never made a purple quilt or used it much at all in any quilt.

claire said...

Orange is the color I have never used in a quilt!

Quiltsmiles said...

The next scrappy color I'd love to do is with backgrounds (neutrals perhaps too?). I dream of doing a white and cream scrappy quilt and hopefully I can attempt it this year. I've made numerous scrappy quilts and each one their has been an order to get the desired finish. Each one takes off on it's own though I'll admit it here - I have bought a fat quarter or two to help with the lights when I'm doing these quilts. Never seem to have enough of those!
Thanks for the terrific giveaway.

sandi s said...

I love scrap quilts. This book looks like it would be great to work from. Hugs,

@lutzcats said...

Yellow and Blue, not my style!

ytsmom said...

I have used most colors, since I have a different sense of colors. I use brown only when I have to!

Lynne Stucke said...

I have never used orange as a primary color in a quilt, but I would like to someday. Orange just seems so happy, doesn't it? lynnstck(at)

Barbara said...

I've never used black and white alone. Too many beautiful colors to leave them out.

Anonymous said...

HI,I've never used black +whites in a quilt>really like "Tipsy Tac Toe"!Thanks for sharing!

Ms Amy said...

I'm not a fan of greens as a focus color for quilts although I use them all the time as components of my quilts.

Janan Doster said...

I have never used back and white, and I never will. I am way too much in love with color! Especially orange. I have been looking at some variations of lime green fabrics right now. I think I may put these with a bright crisp clean white fabric and see what happens!

Ms Amy said...

I'm not a fan of greens as a focus color for quilts although I use them all the time as components of my quilts.

Joye with an e said...

I have been saving red and aqua fabrics to use in a quilt someday. I like that combo but haven't used it yet in a quilt. thanks.

Kathy H said...

I have never used orange and pink together in a quilt. But I have been admiring the combination lately. said...

I love colors, not sure that there is a color that I haven't used in a quilt. Just love putting scraps together as everything plays with each other. This book looks fantastic!! Thanks. Diane O

Lisa England said...

I have used lots of color combinations but still haven't made an all neutral quilt. I've seen some gorgeous examples of it, and some of them look really elegant. I think it could be lovely as a wedding quilt that could go with any couple's decor. One day I will do it!

Mary said...

I have never made a quilt of just all black and white, but I've seen many beautiful ones that I'd like to try. Too many quilts, too little time!

Debbie Lou said...

I have never made a black and white quilt, although it is on my bucket list. The scrap quilt book looks delightful and I would love to have one. Thanks for the giveaway.

Linda Cates said...

I've never used burnt orange in a quilt!!

Peggy said...

I've never used black or grey--not fond of those in quilts. I love scraps however!

Sewgirl said...

I can tell you for sure I have never used red and orange exclusively in a quilt before...quite shocking!!

Jennifer said...

Being drawn to mostly scrappy quilts, I've never done a monochromatic design. But looking at the mass of colors in my stash, I'm convinced I should make at least one and clear out a great pile of at least one color....mmm, maybe the greens.

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Two colors I've never used in a quilt but really want to is yellow and gray. I've seen this duo online and think it's striking. It's on the to-make list, hehe.

Thanks for a chance to win.


Carol Sc said...

Having been quilting for over forty years, I think I have used every color combination at one time or another. Orange is one of my favorite I use carefully. This book looks like a real winner!

Cherie in St Louis said...

I LOVE Razzmatazz.....the name fits it perfectly too. I have never made a red & green quilt, perhaps because I've never made a Christmas quilt.

Joni said...

I live in tulip growing country and drive past a commercial field every day. I would love to make a scrap quilt that has the pinks, purples and a touch of yellow. So inspiring! Thanks for the chance to win!

Judyk said...

As a scrap quilter I think no color has been left,out. But I probably use pinks and lime greens least of all.

Jeanne in Ohio said...

I'm a scrap quilter, so I've used every color, but I'm also collecting black and white prints for a "special" quilt that I've not made yet. This looks like an awesome book!

Ellie said...

I'm a scrap quilter so I use lots of colors but I have been wanting to do a gray and yellow quilt. Hope I win a copy

Susan Torrens said...

Love the reds and cheddar, and I recently added a cheddar to my stash that would be wonderful!

Anna brown said...

Hmmmmm i haven't made a black and white quilt yet..i want to and got a few prints to give it a try.....

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Good question! I have never made a black and white with lime quilt, but I want to.

Nancy said...

As a newish quilter there are lots of color combinations I've never used. Most of my quilts are scrap quilts and have at least several colors so it's safe to say that I've never done any two-color quilt. But I think I've used nearly all the colors in some quilt I've made in the past. Thanks for reviewing Diane's book and sharing your thoughts.
--Nancy. (ndmessier @,

Shirley said...

I've never used scrappy indigos & greys in a quilt, but I'm planning to in my niece's wedding quilt!!

Shirley said...

I just saw that you live in Pensacola. My son lives in Ft. Walton Beach & works in Niceville!

Michele said...

I've never made a purple quilt. I usually mix purple in with my blues and greens, but I've never made a riotous mix of all shades of purple and cream quilt. It's a fun way of making a quilt. I did that a couple years ago. Picked a pattern and made a cream/white and every shade of orange quilt. I had so much fun that summer with my "creamsicle" quilt. One of my favorites.

Shelina said...

I've never used red and green together but I am fixing that now with my applique quilt.

Bella said...

Since I have yet to complete my first full-sized quilt, There are many color combos that are still floating out there for me to try. I have finished two crib sized ones, though, and they were so scrappy that I think every single color may have been in them!

ThreadCatcher said...

I've never made a two color quilt. I admire those I've seen and think of starting one. I'm concerned I would get bored fairly quick though so for now I admire from afar. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

qltrmimsy said...

Razzmatazz is one of the quilts that caught my eye, too, Karen. I hope you get to make one for yourself soon.

Margaret Gross said...

I've never found a true cheddar fabric,but I'd like to use a cheddar fabric in a bow tie pattern.

Debbie said...

I've used lots of color combos as I adore scrappy quilts but I have never been a big fan of brown. I love Razzamatazz also-I might have to try one like that!

Marian said...

I love to do scrappy quilts, so my quilts have always had lots of color. However, I've never made a quilt with primarily purples in it.

GranChris said...

I'm thinking red and grey together would make a lovely quilt but I'm sure I have used that. I love color so I use every color there is. Jmikebalou (at)aol dot com

Unknown said...

Enjoying the blog tour. Love how you are using the tumbler blocks.
I also have never made just a black and white quilt and have plenty of fabric to give it a go.
Thanks for the chance to win

BengalPup said...

I have never used blue and white, which is weird because I have a TON of blue!

Nancy said...

Looks like a wonderful new book. I have never made a quilt with brown as the dominant color..

GeeMa said...

I haven't used orange and purple together. That color combination reminds me of college football... which is not necessarily a bad thing. But, it doesn't go with my decor.

Anonymous said...

I hve never used black and white in a quilt, yet. I have some 5 inch squares from a shop hop and eventually I will use them. Thanks for the opportunity to win a great book, which looks like it provides lots of inspiration for using up my stash!

Stephanie said...

I have never used purple and lime but saw it together recently and it is dynamite! Thanks for the opportunity!

Sherry said...

I have used black and gray in quilts but have not made a quilt with just those colors in it and have thought about it for some time.

Sinta Renee said...

Oh Karen! What a fun book! Thanks for sharing! I would love to make a red and white quilt someday. It seems like that would be a bucket list quilt... everyone should have one right?

I would love to win a copy of the book! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

I am trying to think of a color combo I haven't used in 30 years of quilting and the closest I can get is I've never done a monochrome quilt.

eloidastitches said...

I am still new to quilting, so there are plenty of combinations that I have not tried. I love the look of scrappy quilts with many shades of many colours, and still have not been able to fully wrap my head around "how do they do that?", so I would love to win this book to see what I can learn.

Anita SS said...

I've never mixed the orange and red like Dianne used in Razzmatazz. It's quite the WOW quilt, for sure. Thanks for a change to win her new book.

Carrie ~ Cricketwood Prims said...

Both quilts would be fun to make! Scrap quilts call my name, they have so much movement. Thanks for sharing your favorites.

Kathy MacKie said...

I've never made a true black and white quilt but never say never.

Debra G said...

I've never made a black and white quilt. I don't use much white at all, for that matter. But I love scrap quilts. This book looks great. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

Linda said...

I love scrappy quilts but have not made a black and white quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great book.
Cookie in Mandeville, Louisiana

pharmgirl75 said...

I have never made a red and white quilt. It's on my long list of things I want to make.

Unknown said...

I use all colours. My favorites are the bright ones though. Ive never done a quilt in pale pastels.

Lisa Boyer said...

Never used color combo? Probably something with purple, because I rarely use purple on purpose. I never buy it; I'm not sure why. It does end up in my scrap quilts because EVERYTHING does, but I don't know how. Purple must be sneaky that way.

Unknown said...

I think I've used every color out there! Love them all. But I've never made an all neutral quilt.

Ruth-Anne Hayes said...

I've never made a black & white quilt although I've been pinning ideas for a quilt for my sister. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Ruth-Anne Hayes said...

I've never made a black & white quilt although I've been pinning ideas for a quilt for my sister. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

Orange and red

Denise said...

I don't believe I have ever made a pink and blue quilt. Thank you for sharing!

Cecilia said...

I've never made a red and white quilt, but I hope to make one this year. I love the red and white quilt in the book and it would be the perfect pattern to use. Thanks for the review and for the chance to win a copy of the book.

Chrissiequilter said...

Ive always wanted to make a pink and orange quilt. I have a stack of fabric pulled out, i just need to get started.

Charlene S said...

I have not yet used navy and green in a quilt.

Stitch gal said...

I, too, have been collecting black and white fabrics for that special quilt. I have never used these colours in a quilt before, but would like a pop of color in the quilt with either turquoise or hot pink.

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

I think I have made most of the color combos available. I love bright colors and I love scrappy so I mix and match all the time!

Farm Quilter said...

I have never made a red and white or blue and white quilt...both of those patterns would look stunning with those combos!! said...

I haven't used yellow and brown together. . .

Linda C said...

I think the black and white quilt is calling my name! I have made a blue/white and recently finished a red/white.

jane nj/wi said...

Grey and black being predominate colors

Super looking book!!

Jane Modjeski

Lisa S. said...

I've never made a two color quilt, but I'd like to.

Cat said...

I have never made a black and white quilt before - but after seeing the Tipsy Tac Toe - that may change soon. Thanks for the opportunity to get this book.

PatriciaLud said...

I have never used orange in a quilt, and of course, that's just what my nephew requests for his upcoming quilt!

Glenda in Florida said...

I've never made a black and white quilt, but I'm collecting stash for one in the near future.

cathy said...

I have not made a red and white quilt. I would love to win this book and use it as my inspiration for one. Thank you for this give-away.

mumbird3 said...

Brown and purple...never made one in that combination! Mumbird3atgmaildotcom

MamaT said...

I've never made a blue and white quilt but I plan to in the near future.

Lea said...

Purple and Orange.

Cheri Dawn said...

Tan and gray. But it's what my niece wants, and now I'm getting excited about working in neutrals.

betz2u said...

I have never used orange in a quilt. Would love to have a copy of this book, looks so interesting. thanks for the opportunity to enter for this book.

Beth said...

I have never made a strictly black and white quilt, but someday I would like to. It's on my list..oh, that list is so, so long!

Unknown said...

I have never made a red & white quilt or a blue & white one. I collect both avidly but I have not found a pattern yet!

Agneta quilts said...

Neither yellow or orange has ever appeared in a quilt made by me. Really don't know why, maybe all the orange around in the 70th's made me fed up with the color... but strangly. i do make brown quilts...

Agneta in Sweden

morgaine said...

I never did just brown in combination with green, like muddy green, it's to dark and depressiv. My quilts are allways colorful and vivid.
Would love to win a copy of this interesting book!
Greetings from tunisia

Cynthiacc said...

I had to laugh, Black and white but I do like that combo.

Karen said...

I have never made a quilt with purple in combination with any color. This book looks like it would be a favorite.

Sandi1100 said...

I have never used red/orange together but I really like the Razzamatazz quilt so will have to try it. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of the book.

Beth in TN said...

I've never made a strictly black and white quilt. But that Tipsy Tac Toe is a winner in black and white!

rrjane011749 said...

Not fond of orange or bright yellows!

Edie said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. Edie:

BlessOSU said...

I have never used red! I know it is one of those basic colors, but it is the color of our college football rival, and I just can't bring myself to use it in a quilt, or wear it! LOL Thanks for the opportunity to win this great book! blessosu at

Natalie in Maine said...

I have never used black and white, but have started collecting them. Someday I will have enough to do something with.

Material Girl said...

I have never used orange and black together. Too Halloweeny for me. I am from NY too- still here,,from the ocean to the mountains.......

rosemaryschild said...

I have never tried monochromatic-just does not appeal to me.

Just Quilt It said...

I have never used purple and green together but would love to try one.

Margaret said...

I think the color I use the least is black. I do real scrappy quilts using all leftovers from doing appliance quilts

Barb in Mi said...

I have never done the orange - red combination, nor a pure black & white quilt. Thank you!

Michelle said...

I have never used black and white or red and yellow. I tend to make quilts using 30's repros or Civil war repros. This book looks awesome. I love the color combos.

Renea said...

I have never used red and orange together. Not a favorite of mine. I do like the pattern but it would be totally scrappy. Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic book.

Lu said...

I have never used red and orange together but the quilt shown is very attractive. Thank you for the chance to win this book. It will be a wonderful addition to the lucky winners quilt book library.

Kristen King said...

I really want to make the Razzmatazz quilt. I have never made a black and white quilt...maybe I will have to try one soon. 😀

Anonymous said...

I've been collecting black and whites for while too! The color combination I'd really like to try sometimes is yellow and grey. I bought a piece of hand dyed fabric in a yellow and grey combination and it's been talking to me for a long time!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Rozz01 said...

I am collecting some black themed fabric but have never used them in a black and white quilt yet.

QuiltShopGal said...

I have never used blue/yellow to make a quilt, yet I love the color combination.


Deb B. said...

I, like you, have been collecting black and white fabrics for a while but have not made a quilt with them yet. I fully intend to make a black and white quilt because I have seen so many beautiful quilts that my friends have made. The B&W quilt that you shared that is in the book really does look interesting.

JANET said...

I have not made a black and white quilt, although I have one in mind, and have been collecting fabric for it. I know I will have lots of scraps left, so I guess I might be making another after that!

Shirl said...

I have never done a black and white nor pink and brown but both are on y wish list!

Anonymous said...

Since I've been doing scrappies, there is not one color combination I have not used -- and I love them all. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I have not made a yellow and blue combination. I think I will have to make one -- those colors are so pretty together. Nancy A:

Edie said...

I have never made an orange and red quilt, or pink and brown. I may have to try one of them. Thanks for the draw.

virgdale said...

I have never made a black and white quilt, but am thinking one is coming soon. Thanks for the opportunity to win, I love making scrap quilts.

Darlene Fel....... said...

I have not used lime green or hardly any brown in my quilts. Brown is my least favorite color:-( Thanks for the chance to win!

claire ross said...

I have never used black and white in quilt before x
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com

janie said...

I make scrap quilts daily and have never did a black and white one, so I need this book and thanks for the giveaway.

Karen said...

I have never made a black and white quilt, but the one you pictured is very tempting to try!

d said...

I've never made a black and white quilt ... but then again, I've never made a quilt yet!

JoAnne in southern California said...

I have never made a black and white quilt but I have collected the fabrics for one (four or five quilts worth by now)! It's what we do. "TipsyTacToe" looks like the perfect pattern for it. Thanks for showing this to us.

Anonymous said...

I avoid browns and beige and use them only when absolutely necessary. I think they take the "life" out of a quilt. Obviously, I'm not into civil war reproduction or country!

Sally Langston Warren said...

I have not made a black and white quilt. I oooohhh and aahhhhh over colored/patterned fabrics so much, I just don't think I would enjoy spending a lot of time cutting, sewing, and handling just black and white fabrics. Jspwarren at aol dot com.

BarefootThunder said...

I have never used cheddar/ yellow in a quilt??? don't know why, I always like the quilts I see with it. Book looks very interesting. thanks for the chance to win one.

tac73 said...

I think I've used just about every color combination at one time or another. Even when one doesn't seem possible,I think it turns out fine.

lvkwilt said...

I have never made a black and white quilt. It is on my bucket list though...I do love scrappy quilts so have been eyeing this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Gloria said...

I do love scrappy quilts so this book appeals to me. Thanks for the give-away!

Karen said...

I have hardly any orange or purple in my stash, so I know I have never made an orange and purple quilt. I may have to do that, but it won't be scrappy...until I create some scraps in those colors. :-)

Robin T said...

I love scrappy quilts with oodles and oodles of fabrics. The color Pink is one I have the most trouble working with. I hope to get my scraps organized and begin piecing a scrappy quilt. Diane's book is intriguing.

Barb Johnson said...

Hmmm... I really don't know if I have 'never' used a given color or color combination in a quilt. I tend to make scrap quilts, so most colors and color combinations are possible!

Gloria said...

Like you, I have been collecting black and white pieces to make a black and white quilt! So far, it hasn't happened...but this book looks interesting. Thanks for offering the giveaway book, hope I win!

Karen said...

I've never made just a black and white quilt. I've used those before in quilts but there are always other colors too.

Grandmasewnsew said...

I've been collecting "French General" reds and creams but have never made a red and cream quilt. I'm very interested in the idea of soft contrast and didn't think of that before. It does make a quilt more interesting to have various things going on! I will try to incorporate that idea into my next quilt!

Unknown said...

I've seen so many, and they're gorgeous, but I've never done a red and white quilt.

karenf said...

I have that same collection of black and white- and black white and red that I've always been meaning to make. I can see doing that but the combination I really think I'll have trouble with is a neutral quilt. I love them and see many patterns for them but I'm afraid in the actual making part I will go crazy without a punch of color. Crossing my fingers to win this book.

Sharon said...

I too love black & white fabrics and have been collecting them for years. I'm working on a quilt that uses some of them. I guess it's time!

I've never used pink and orange together in a quilt. I know that was recently a "thing" in modern quilting. I hated it at first, but now I'm kind of fascinated by it. So it may be showing up one day soon!

draapat said...

I have never used green in a quilt. Would love this book to get green a try!

Jennifer Dyck said...

I've never used black and white as the only colours in a quilt. Would love to give it a try!

Unknown said...

Usually my quilts have multiple colors so I would love to do a two color quilt with blues and white or red and white.

Barb said...

I can't think of any colors I haven't used in a quilt but the only two color quilt I've ever made was blue and cream.

Yuriko said...

Fairly new quilter and have never made a black and white quilt. I've been building up my stash because I want to make it with a large variety of b/w fabrics.

MonaR said...

Never used all neutrals in a quilted project, but yours is looking quite nice!

Chantal said...

I was a very traditional quilter. I said "was" because now with the help of the Internet, I am influenced by so much more than what grandma thought me lol. I haven't done a black and white quilt yet but it is something I do love and Tipsy Tac Toe is awesome. Thanks ;^)
scrap(dot)and(dot)quilts via gmail(dot)com

Wendy said...

I like how quilters refer to a quilt "speaking to me". I do better when a quilt is very scrappy. I've never done a purple quilt, would take me a while to collect since I don't buy that colour way. Would love to have this book.

sandy from BC said...

Happy Easter. I have never used purple in a quilt. I am more of a "primitive" colour girl.

Monica said...

I have started collecting fabrics for a blue & white quilt, which I hope to start sometime later this year. Please count me in!

Gloria said...

I have never used orange in a quilt - no orange at all in my stash. And I don't think I have used mauve though I have used lavender.

Beverly C. Stigge said...

As with music - all the notes have not been composed yet - the scrappy quilt is continually evolving from each person's stash! I would love to try out the Scrappy book by Diane!

Nita said...

I've never made an all-neutrals quilt, but I'd like to.

Jo said...

I have used most colours in some sort of scraps but I tend to do more brighter quilts. Civil war colours are my least used.

Anonymous said...

This is a really hard question. I think i've used almost every color combination. The only color i haven't used much of is orange,, i guess.. Love this book!

Michele said...

I don't believe I would ever enjoy making a quilt in traditional quilt colors and calico.

Sherri said...

Yellow and blue seem to have right contrast together. Sherri

cvdnurse said...

I have never made a quilt using Orange fabrics- I'd love to though since I love the way Orange and a deep blue look together. What a beautiful book- Thanks for hosting this giveawAy.

Sue Noetzel said...

I am not an orange fan and have never used it in a quilt. Perhaps it is time to expand my color horizons.

April Shae said...

Two colors that I just never thought would look good together are orange and pink. I have yet to use them as a combo in anything!!

KyraM said...

I've been wanting to make a quilt using just blue, white, and yellow. I think these 3 colors look great together!

Kim said...

I have not put yellow and black together in a quilt .

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Looks like an awesome book! I've never made a yellow and gray quilt. I've seen lots online and fell in love with the duo.

Thanks for a chance to win.


Cathy L Wilson said...

I'm collecting black and white fabrics, also! Maybe we have some of the same ones! I'd love to win this book, thanks for the chance!

Kristi Pratt said...

I want to make an orange and black quilt sometime. It would be diferent than anything I've ever done. Maybe the black and white scrap quilt would be just right for orange and black. Thanks! Kristikay at spratt dot net

Mego said...

I've never used blue and green together! I'm thinking I want to make one JUST LIKE YOURS (yellow and grey) in those colors. Thanks for the chance!

Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches said...

Not a fan of orange, can't say I've never used it, just not in large quantities

Mayleen said...

Color combination I've never used? There are lots of combinations but in general, anything which doesn't use the color red. Black & white only, gray and yellow (love yours), orange unless its floral, the list could get pretty long! I'm just stuck in the red rut and love it.

patty a. said...

I can't think of a combination of colors I haven't used. I even made a lavender and pink quilt which I hate those colors together, but it was for my sister and she is all about lavender and pink!

Unknown said...

Just started Quilting for some reason pinks are my main color... Funny as it's. Not my fave !!

Gene Black said...

I have never made a black and white quilt. I confess - I love bright bold colors!

janequiltsslowly said...

I've never made a completely two color quilt. I'm starting a black & white quilt for a challenge with the modern quilt guild. I'm excited to try.

Judy Dietrich said...

I have never used just red & orange together in a quilt. There has always been green or yellow. Have always wanted to make a pickle dish quilt

Tamie said...

I don't think I have ever used red and green in a quilt.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I have never used purple, green and yellow. Interesting coming from a New Orleans girl, with parents who were born and raised there as well.....hmmmmmm

OhioLori said...

G+Have never used much black & anything..specially quilts tho! LOVE Colors! :)

Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way! :)

Quilting Tangent said...

Rainbow colors!

Unknown said...

I've never used purple and green in a quilt.

Kleine Vingers said...

I've never used black and white in a quilt. Greetings
aubphg (at) hotmail (dot) com

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