One stitch at a time, my quilt is emerging. It's hard sometimes to get the quilting to show, so I've tried to let the shadows show the pattern. Needless to say, I am having a blast quilting this. It has been amazing to see this quilt take on a personality of its own. When I decided to use the wedding quilt scraps to make a log cabin quilt, I must confess I didn't know exactly what it would look like, but I knew I wanted to make it special. So far, I'm very satisfied :).
I had picked a different quilting pattern design but it didn't look right and I ripped it out. After studying things for awhile, I decided on this design. One thing I learned a long time ago is, if you are not happy with something stop immediately and re-examine. If you need to rip, do it! I have never regretted any decision to rip out something I wasn't happy with.
I was so excited to see the circles form as I quilted the dark sections of the log cabin blocks. As this was not part of my original plan, I had no idea what would happen and I was quite pleased. Here's what the corners will look like. It's not quite finished yet, the stitching will go all the way out to the white section.
Here's what my floor usually looks like with all my tools laying around.
I started with June Tailor's Around the Block ruler but found it was too hard to get the marking pens thru the slots (the batting didn't give me a good solid surface). So I used it to cut my own - by cutting up a plastic calendar for the arches. I have to use both a blue marking pen and the white Clover pen as I go over both light and dark sections.
Then I made a different set for the half inch markings. It might seem like it would take a long time, but in the end it saves time because I have control over each line. I've almost finished this section. I made a list, and so far this is what I've finished: the 4 center blocks, the feather row, 8 fan blocks, 12 full square blocks and then 16 fan blocks (almost done). Doing this row by row has been manageable and logical. Stay tuned, there's more to come :)!!
Until next time,