I don't know what it is about me and this block!!! :( Now, I'm just getting mad. I have determined I will not let this block get the best of me. Yesterday, Carla asked me what size my block was. I kind of thought that was a strange question, and to be honest, the blocks did look a little big to me. But since I've never made a pineapple block before, what did I know?????

Well, turns out I added one extra row of light - these blocks are 14" instead of 12"! The sad thing is I must have looked at the book 50 times and counted the rows over and over again. I guess maybe Kim is right, I do need to do potholders!! However, these are so huge, they're even too big for potholders!!! Ugh..... I'm going to put them in a corner and think. I'll let you know if I have any inspiration. In the meantime, I'm kind of liking the smaller ones alot :).
Until next time, make something beautiful.