
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Journey has Begun

I finally got up the nerve to count all these baskets - 179!!! And they say it starts with one. So after several days of trying to decide on a quilting design, last night I started quilting. I am so conflicted about this quilt. I love it so much, and I'm so afraid I will be disappointed when I'm finished. I started this in either 1998 or 1999. It was either the second or third project that Kim and I worked on together. I have zillions of memories of the two of us using our lunch hour appliqueing basket handles on the prettiest pink and green fabrics we'd ever seen. I still feel that way too. This quilt is one of my all time favorites for many reasons. Here is the monster on my table. Can you see the puffy wool batting? This is one of my issues.

I always meant to hand quilt this and I love to hand quilt with wool batting. But now that the decision has been made to fmq, the wool is very puffy and doesn't really hold the layers together the way a cotton batting does so there are little tucks all over the place, and I've only done like 10 blocks! I'm so wishing I had a nice piece of 80/20.

While I'm pretty happy with this design, my stitch in the ditch skills are quite lacking :(. This is really an understatement - it's quite discouraging. I know I will improve over the course of 179 baskets, and I'm hoping the overall look will hide the individual mishaps. Here is what the back looks like.

This shadowed picture shows the pattern better. It will eventually have little feathers on the other side of the basket. So far, this can all be done as continual quilting, not having to break the thread or do any back tracking - which I really like. I have a hunch this will go on and off the machine often as I can only do so much of this "custom quilting" and I use those words loosely LOL!! I've already changed a few things and I'm not going back and rip out!

Sorry to do so much whining. I guess I just needed to vent. Now that I don't have my buddy Rodger to talk to when I sew (still miss that little guy), I'm glad I have bloggy friends.

Until next time,



Angie said...

The quilting design looks great and I think it will be fine when all complete! We are always our own worst critics because we see every imperfection, no matter how tiny. Hang in there!

carol fun said...

I agree - I think it will be just fine when it is all done but looking at individual blocks we always see every little imperfection and other NEVER notice them. Venting is good- it lowers the blood pressure - LOL! Hang in there - concentrate on the memories and what a beautiful quilt this is --

Ruth said...

I agree! It looks great and any mistakes won't be noticeable - especially by other people. I am telling myself this as well, because I'm quilting on a basket quilt also and it is hard to manage it even though I left it in 2 pieces, so it isn't a whole quilt. I'm not sure I like my quilting either.

Abby and Stephanie said...

How much fun to work on a UFO. 179 baskets to quilt sounds daunting but I think you're the little engine that could...

It's a lovely quilt with happy memories.

Anonymous said...

It is so pretty!!!! Your quilting design is wonderful!!!

Terry said...

I think it looks fine, and you're working on it...that's what really counts! :0)

Vivian said...

If we lived just a tad bit closer together, I'd send a bit of my 80/20 your way, as I have a healthy supply. A couple trips through Paducah to visit our son and his family prompted a stop at Hancock's each time. That saves the $30-$40 shipping surcharge per roll.
You have an impressive start with your sweet quilting design and those baskets are going to be quilted in no time. Pretty, pretty, pretty.
Did Kim ever finish her baskets?

Carla said...

I like your design. I'm sure, as others are, that once you have added the rest of the quilting, it will begin to look more like you are hoping for. Keep on keeping on. I' m in the midst of trying to fix a quilting mess that I got into when I hired out quilting on two quilts w/o knowing the quality of their work. Live and learn!

Darlene said...

You whine all you want - it's your quilting party. teehee!

Your quilting looks wonderful - love that quilt. It's fun to spot the Robyn Pandolph Folk Art Wedding fabrics - they will always be favs.

QuiltSue said...

This is going to look wonderful, and with that many blocks, I'm sure you won't even be able to see any mishaps once you've finished. I think we always forget when we're quilting that we're looking very closely at the quilt, but once it's finished and on a bed you're seeing it from further away and the tiny whoopsies don't show up at all.

Barb said...

what a pretty basket quilt. Sorry to hear about your batting issues.
Have you tried using long think pins in the areas you are currently working on? I quilt right over them and it helps with shifting.
Your quilting design is beautiful!

Kim Brackett said...

I love the design you're quilting! It's really pretty. You'll be so happy when this is finished and you'll be able to use it. After we talked about this quilt the other day (you know, here's just one more), I found a box that had a few leftover pieces. I meant to ask you if you wanted to make some more baskets. :-) Oh, well, it was funny at the time.

Pokey said...

It really is a lovely quilt, keep going, I'm sure you'll be happy in the finish. (We are so mean to ourselves sometimes...!)

Julia said...

So pretty...and you quilt with a domestic, wow..I'm sure it will quilt up nicely when it's all over the quilt, the bits you don't like will not show up and bother you so much.
Julia ♥