I am not going to do justice to the 2 days I spent with Cindy Needham, but I'll try. She is amazing!! Her teaching style is very approachable and she spends a lot of one on one time with each student. I had a blast. Now if I can translate that into improved skills LOL!
I took the Linen Ladies workshop and she allowed us to take pictures of the pieces she brought.
The are all so intricate and beautiful.
She embellishes with lots (I mean hundreds) of beads.
This is her Nun quilt - story on her blog
here. Be careful, you can get lost wandering around her blog looking at her beautiful thing.
Each piece had it's own beauty.
This was my favorite piece. Each little square is 3".
I wish my pictures could capture the incredible beauty. It's hard to believe these used to be regular linens.

This is going to be my first project. It's a linen napkin - about 16" square. Cindy had tons of stencils for us to use.
This is a linen tablecloth - card table size. I used an iron on stablilizer as it's very flimsy.
It's hard to see the pattern, but I'm hoping by the time I finish the napkin, I'll feel confident enough to tackle this.
Doesn't this look just like me?? Very "modern guildish". NOT. But it's some yardage I got from a friend. I think it's probably from the 60's or 70's.
I actually think it will be a fun piece to experiment with.
The second day I took a machine quilting workshop. I'm not a newbie, but I thought I would learn something. The most fun part was playing with the "thread bar". Cindy brought tons of different types of threads for us to experiment with and see how it looks on our machine.
This was something she offered at the workshop. I didn't buy it the first day, but after I got home I decided to splurge.
Here's a picture of my machine as it is normally. You can see the light directly over the needle area, and the dark shadow over the throat space.
Here's the same thing with the LED light turned on. I am so excited! I think it's going to make a big difference in my ability to see what I'm stitching.
You can order off the website I'm sure. I highly recommend it if you've got a little mad money lying around. If Cindy comes to your town, go. She is wonderful.
Happy stitching,