I honestly don't quite know where almost 2 weeks has gone! I have been doing contract work at the law firm to help them close out, so that has taken some of my time. These blocks are part of my program that I'll be doing for our guild in February. I've been busy trying to get this project done, but there are lots of steps. I'm doing it as a mystery quilt which I hope will be a fun program.

Then I realized I still have TONS of hand quilting left on my log cabin quilt, which needs to be done so I can enter it in our quilt show in mid March! "Wedding Memories Linger" is a perfect name. I have loved lingering over all the fabrics from my kids' quilts.

Here's a "shadow" picture so you can see the next area I have to quilt. It's acutally the border - yea!!!!!!!!!!!!! But as you can see, there is a lot of quilting. But I do love this quilt and I do love to hand quilt - it just takes forever!

But this is what has distracted me for the last 3 days...... Karen K. Stone! She came to Pensacola and I got to take 2 workshops with her, and then attend a GSQA meeting where she presented a trunk show. Oh my goodness, this girl can quilt! She has been a hero of mine for a long time and it was a true thrill for me. Seeing her quilts in person makes you realize that pictures just don't do them justice. They are incredible

I took lots of pictures of her quilts, I'll share more later. But here we are, the two white headed Karens :). She is an absolute doll and I came home with my head spinning. It will be hard to re-enter the real world tomorrow.

Hope you've a great weekend - mine has been wonderful.
PS- my ironing board is still not done, but I do thank you all for the great ideas. I'll get to it eventually :)