It's almost time for fireworks! The 4th of July is a favorite, happy holiday for me. My DD and her family will be here this year (and bringing my grandchildren of course). She hasn't been home for the 4th in 15 years and we're all excited. This is one of two patriotic quilts I've made that I hang at the office. It's a pattern (called Fireworks) that I picked up at a quilt shop near Jacksonville, FL in 1994. It was the first quilt Kim and I did together. I can still remember sharing little squares of blue and red - bringing them to the office like little treasures and trading them. Then we'd go home, sew some blocks, and come back the next day for show and tell. That is a memory that makes me smile.

After the subtle hues of Beauty for Ashes, this seems very vibrant. Change is good. Not sure why the color is off, they replaced the lights in my office and it's messing up my pictures :(.

Every time I get this quilt out, I think I need to re-do the binding. Isn't it good when we look at early work and think... I've gotten better!! My quilting as well as my binding technique have definitely improved since 1996. I think I'm promising myself, this is the year. Before I put this away, I will replace the binding. I figure if it bugs me this much, it's time to do something about it.

Until next time, make something beautiful.