Last night, I spent time with the animals :). Now the owls are starting to get a personality and they're not just paper anymore! The birds have their wings and the flowers have their centers. I'm still moving things around to suit me. That honestly is one of the most favorite parts for me. The kitty is already in here if you want to search :).

I guess it's having that creative control in the finished product that I like so much. Plus, if I'm not happy I just pull the pin out and move it!! Since I'm making this up as I go along, there are no rules to break!! I've decided I need a few more leaves.
The birds still need eyes, I'm thinking little buttons. I also think the bird at the bottom needs legs. I'm not going to worry about the ones sitting in the tree. Suggestions??

I'm still trying to come up with the perfect name. I'll be adding one more flower so there will be six friends in the tree and six flowers in honor of the new six year old!
Until next time, make something beautiful.